MAYALI设计风格注重层次感和解构再造,习惯用理性而严谨的思维方式造就感性的设计作品。对于Maya来说,时装设计师就是人体的建筑师,在突出建筑感廓形、流畅线条以及精致剪裁的同时,试图呈现出一个同时内敛并张扬、温柔并反叛的女性形象, 继而阐述当代女性的智慧与自信以及独立自我的多变风貌。在崇尚剪裁与廓形的外表下,内心秩序之美亦得以彰显。

MAYALI advocates styles with hierarchical structure and reconstruction, by using rational method to create affectional works. Maya sees herself as the architect of human body, with a spatial awareness of balancing of lines, attempting to present an image of female that is both constraint and aggressive, gentle and rebellious. From its tailoring, design ,materials to functions, it tells the continuous exploration of the needs of moderns women and presents the wisdom and confidence in individualism.  The brand indulge the power of silhouette in external, and beauty of order internal.